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Documentation for scw document-db

This API allows you to manage your Document Databases.

Access Control List (ACL) management commands

Network Access Control Lists allow you to control incoming network traffic by setting up ACL rules.

Add an ACL rule to a Database Instance

Add an additional ACL rule to a Database Instance.


scw document-db acl add [arg=value ...]


Name Description
instance-id Required UUID of the Database Instance you want to add ACL rules to
region Default: fr-par
One of: fr-par, nl-ams, pl-waw
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config

Delete ACL rules of a Database Instance

Delete one or more ACL rules of a Database Instance.


scw document-db acl delete [arg=value ...]


Name Description
instance-id Required UUID of the Database Instance you want to delete an ACL rule from
acl-rule-ips.{index} Required IP addresses defined in the ACL rules of the Database Instance
region Default: fr-par
One of: fr-par, nl-ams, pl-waw
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config

List ACL rules of a Database Instance

List the ACL rules for a given Database Instance. The response is an array of ACL objects, each one representing an ACL that denies, allows or redirects traffic based on certain conditions.


scw document-db acl list [arg=value ...]


Name Description
instance-id Required UUID of the Database Instance
region Default: fr-par
One of: fr-par, nl-ams, pl-waw, all
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config

Set ACL rules for a Database Instance

Replace all the ACL rules of a Database Instance.


scw document-db acl set [arg=value ...]


Name Description
instance-id Required UUID of the Database Instance where the ACL rules must be set
region Default: fr-par
One of: fr-par, nl-ams, pl-waw
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config

Database management commands

Databases can be used to store and manage sets of structured information, or data. The interaction between the user and a database is done using a Database Engine, which provides a structured query language to add, modify or delete information from the database.

Create a database in a Database Instance

Create a new database. You must define the name parameter in the request.


scw document-db database create [arg=value ...]


Name Description
instance-id Required UUID of the Database Instance where to create the database
name Name of the database
region Default: fr-par
One of: fr-par, nl-ams, pl-waw
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config

Delete a database in a Database Instance

Delete a given database on a Database Instance. You must specify, in the endpoint, the region, instance_id and name parameters of the database you want to delete.


scw document-db database delete [arg=value ...]


Name Description
instance-id Required UUID of the Database Instance where to delete the database
name Required Name of the database to delete
region Default: fr-par
One of: fr-par, nl-ams, pl-waw
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config

List databases in a Database Instance

List all databases of a given Database Instance. By default, the databases returned in the list are ordered by creation date in ascending order, though this can be modified via the order_by field. You can define additional parameters for your query, such as name, managed and owner.


scw document-db database list [arg=value ...]


Name Description
name Name of the database
managed Defines whether or not the database is managed
owner User that owns this database
order-by One of: name_asc, name_desc, size_asc, size_desc Criteria to use when ordering database listing
instance-id Required UUID of the Database Instance to list the databases of
region Default: fr-par
One of: fr-par, nl-ams, pl-waw, all
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config

Endpoint management

A point of connection to a Database Instance. The endpoint is associated with an IPv4 address and a port. It contains the information about whether the endpoint is read-write or not. The endpoints always point to the main node of a Database Instance.

All endpoints have TLS enabled. You can use TLS to make your data and your passwords unreadable in transit to anyone but you.

For added security, you can set up ACL rules to restrict access to your endpoint to a set of trusted hosts or networks of your choice.

Load Balancers are used to forward traffic to the right node based on the node state (active/hot standby). The Load Balancers' configuration is set to cut off inactive connections if no TCP traffic is sent within a 6-hour timeframe. We recommend using connection pooling on the application side to renew database connections regularly.

Create a new Database Instance endpoint

Create a new endpoint for a Database Instance. You can add load_balancer and private_network specifications to the body of the request.


scw document-db endpoint create [arg=value ...]


Name Description
instance-id Required UUID of the Database Instance you to which you want to add an endpoint
endpoint-spec.private-network.private-network-id UUID of the Private Network to be connected to the Database Instance
endpoint-spec.private-network.service-ip Endpoint IPv4 address with a CIDR notation. Refer to the official Scaleway documentation to learn more about IP and subnet limitations.
region Default: fr-par
One of: fr-par, nl-ams, pl-waw
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config

Delete a Database Instance endpoint

Delete the endpoint of a Database Instance. You must specify the region and endpoint_id parameters of the endpoint you want to delete. Note that might need to update any environment configurations that point to the deleted endpoint.


scw document-db endpoint delete [arg=value ...]


Name Description
endpoint-id Required UUID of the endpoint you want to delete
region Default: fr-par
One of: fr-par, nl-ams, pl-waw
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config

Get a Database Instance endpoint

Retrieve information about a Database Instance endpoint. Full details about the endpoint, like ip, port, private_network and load_balancer specifications are returned in the response.


scw document-db endpoint get [arg=value ...]


Name Description
endpoint-id Required UUID of the endpoint you want to get
region Default: fr-par
One of: fr-par, nl-ams, pl-waw
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config

Migrate Database Instance endpoint

Migrate an existing Database Instance endpoint to another Database Instance.


scw document-db endpoint migrate [arg=value ...]


Name Description
endpoint-id Required UUID of the endpoint you want to migrate
instance-id Required UUID of the instance you want to attach the endpoint to
region Default: fr-par
One of: fr-par, nl-ams, pl-waw
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config

Database engines commands

A database engine is the software component that stores and retrieves your data from a database. Currently FerretDB 1.X is available.

List available database engines

List the FerretDB database engines available at Scaleway.


scw document-db engine list [arg=value ...]


Name Description
name Name of the database engine
version Version of the database engine
region Default: fr-par
One of: fr-par, nl-ams, pl-waw, all
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config

Instance management commands

A Database Instance is made up of one or multiple dedicated compute nodes running a single database engine. Two node settings are available: High-Availability (HA), with a main node and one replica, and standalone with a main node. The HA standby node is linked to the main node, using synchronous replication. Synchronous replication offers the ability to confirm that all changes intended by a transaction have been transferred and applied to the synchronous replica node, providing durability to the data.

Note: HA standby nodes are not accessible to users unless the main node becomes unavailable and the standby takes over. If you wish to run queries on a read-only node, you can use Read Replicas

Read Replicas can be used for certain read-only workflows such as Business Intelligence, or for a read-only scaling of your application. Read Replicas use asynchronous replication to replicate data from the main node.

Clone a Database Instance

Clone a given Database Instance, specified by the region and instance_id parameters. The clone feature allows you to create a new Database Instance from an existing one. The clone includes all existing databases, users and permissions. You can create a clone on a Database Instance bigger than your current one.


scw document-db instance clone <instance-id ...> [arg=value ...]


Name Description
instance-id Required UUID of the Database Instance you want to clone
name Name of the Database Instance clone
node-type Node type of the clone
region Default: fr-par
One of: fr-par, nl-ams, pl-waw
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config

Create a Database Instance

Create a new Database Instance. You must set the engine, user_name, password and node_type parameters. Optionally, you can specify the volume type and size.


scw document-db instance create [arg=value ...]


Name Description
project-id Project ID to use. If none is passed the default project ID will be used
name Default: <generated> Name of the Database Instance
engine Required Database engine of the Database Instance
user-name Required Username created when the Database Instance is created
password Required Password of the user
node-type Required Type of node to use for the Database Instance
is-ha-cluster Defines whether or not High-Availability is enabled
disable-backup Defines whether or not backups are disabled
tags.{index} Tags to apply to the Database Instance
volume-type One of: lssd, bssd, sbs_5k, sbs_15k Type of volume where data is stored (lssd, bssd, ...)
volume-size Volume size when volume_type is not lssd
init-endpoints.{index}.private-network.private-network-id UUID of the Private Network to be connected to the Database Instance
init-endpoints.{index}.private-network.service-ip Endpoint IPv4 address with a CIDR notation. Refer to the official Scaleway documentation to learn more about IP and subnet limitations.
backup-same-region Defines whether to or not to store logical backups in the same region as the Database Instance
organization-id Organization ID to use. If none is passed the default organization ID will be used
region Default: fr-par
One of: fr-par, nl-ams, pl-waw
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config

Delete a Database Instance

Delete a given Database Instance, specified by the region and instance_id parameters. Deleting a Database Instance is permanent, and cannot be undone. Note that upon deletion all your data will be lost.


scw document-db instance delete <instance-id ...> [arg=value ...]


Name Description
instance-id Required UUID of the Database Instance to delete
region Default: fr-par
One of: fr-par, nl-ams, pl-waw
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config

Get a Database Instance

Retrieve information about a given Database Instance, specified by the region and instance_id parameters. Its full details, including name, status, IP address and port, are returned in the response object.


scw document-db instance get <instance-id ...> [arg=value ...]


Name Description
instance-id Required UUID of the Database Instance
region Default: fr-par
One of: fr-par, nl-ams, pl-waw
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config

Get the TLS certificate of a Database Instance

Retrieve information about the TLS certificate of a given Database Instance. Details like name and content are returned in the response.


scw document-db instance get-certificate <instance-id ...> [arg=value ...]


Name Description
instance-id Required UUID of the Database Instance
region Default: fr-par
One of: fr-par, nl-ams, pl-waw
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config

Get Database Instance metrics

Retrieve the time series metrics of a given Database Instance. You can define the period from which to retrieve metrics by specifying the start_date and end_date.


scw document-db instance get-metrics <instance-id ...> [arg=value ...]


Name Description
instance-id Required UUID of the Database Instance
start-date Start date to gather metrics from
end-date End date to gather metrics from
metric-name Name of the metric to gather
region Default: fr-par
One of: fr-par, nl-ams, pl-waw
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config

List Database Instances

List all Database Instances in the specified region, for a given Scaleway Organization or Scaleway Project. By default, the Database Instances returned in the list are ordered by creation date in ascending order, though this can be modified via the order_by field. You can define additional parameters for your query, such as tags and name. For the name parameter, the value you include will be checked against the whole name string to see if it includes the string you put in the parameter.


scw document-db instance list [arg=value ...]


Name Description
tags.{index} List Database Instances that have a given tag
name Lists Database Instances that match a name pattern
order-by One of: created_at_asc, created_at_desc, name_asc, name_desc, region, status_asc, status_desc Criteria to use when ordering Database Instance listings
project-id Project ID to list the Database Instance of
organization-id Please use project_id instead
region Default: fr-par
One of: fr-par, nl-ams, pl-waw, all
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config

Renew the TLS certificate of a Database Instance

Renew a TLS for a Database Instance. Renewing a certificate means that you will not be able to connect to your Database Instance using the previous certificate. You will also need to download and update the new certificate for all database clients.


scw document-db instance renew-certificate <instance-id ...> [arg=value ...]


Name Description
instance-id Required UUID of the Database Instance you want logs of
region Default: fr-par
One of: fr-par, nl-ams, pl-waw
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config

Restart Database Instance

Restart a given Database Instance, specified by the region and instance_id parameters. The status of the Database Instance returned in the response.


scw document-db instance restart <instance-id ...> [arg=value ...]


Name Description
instance-id Required UUID of the Database Instance you want to restart
region Default: fr-par
One of: fr-par, nl-ams, pl-waw
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config

Update a Database Instance

Update the parameters of a Database Instance, including name, tags and backup schedule details.


scw document-db instance update <instance-id ...> [arg=value ...]


Name Description
backup-schedule-frequency In hours
backup-schedule-retention In days
is-backup-schedule-disabled Defines whether or not the backup schedule is disabled
name Name of the Database Instance
instance-id Required UUID of the Database Instance to update
tags.{index} Tags of a Database Instance
logs-policy.max-age-retention Max age (in days) of remote logs to keep on the Database Instance Max disk size of remote logs to keep on the Database Instance
backup-same-region Store logical backups in the same region as the Database Instance
backup-schedule-start-hour Defines the start time of the autobackup
region Default: fr-par
One of: fr-par, nl-ams, pl-waw
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config

Upgrade a Database Instance

Upgrade your current Database Instance specifications like node type, high availability, volume, or the database engine version. Note that upon upgrade the enable_ha parameter can only be set to true.


scw document-db instance upgrade <instance-id ...> [arg=value ...]


Name Description
instance-id Required UUID of the Database Instance you want to upgrade
node-type Node type of the Database Instance you want to upgrade to
enable-ha Defines whether or not High Availability should be enabled on the Database Instance
volume-size Increase your Block volume size
volume-type One of: lssd, bssd, sbs_5k, sbs_15k Change your Database Instance storage type
upgradable-version-id Update your database engine to a newer version
major-upgrade-workflow.upgradable-version-id Update your database engine to a newer version
major-upgrade-workflow.with-endpoints Include endpoint during the migration
region Default: fr-par
One of: fr-par, nl-ams, pl-waw
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config

Instance logs management commands

Instance logs management commands.

Get given logs of a Database Instance

Retrieve information about the logs of a Database Instance. Specify the instance_log_id and region in your request to get information such as download_url, status, expires_at and created_at about your logs in the response.


scw document-db log get [arg=value ...]


Name Description
instance-log-id Required UUID of the instance_log you want
region Default: fr-par
One of: fr-par, nl-ams, pl-waw
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config

List available logs of a Database Instance

List the available logs of a Database Instance. By default, the logs returned in the list are ordered by creation date in ascending order, though this can be modified via the order_by field.


scw document-db log list [arg=value ...]


Name Description
instance-id Required UUID of the Database Instance you want logs of
order-by One of: created_at_asc, created_at_desc Criteria to use when ordering Database Instance logs listing
region Default: fr-par
One of: fr-par, nl-ams, pl-waw
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config

List remote Database Instance logs details

List remote log details. By default, the details returned in the list are ordered by creation date in ascending order, though this can be modified via the order_by field.


scw document-db log list-details [arg=value ...]


Name Description
instance-id Required UUID of the Database Instance you want logs of
region Default: fr-par
One of: fr-par, nl-ams, pl-waw
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config

Purge remote Database Instance logs

Purge a given remote log from a Database Instance. You can specify the log_name of the log you wish to clean from your Database Instance.


scw document-db log purge [arg=value ...]


Name Description
instance-id Required UUID of the Database Instance you want logs of
log-name Given log name to purge
region Default: fr-par
One of: fr-par, nl-ams, pl-waw
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config

Node types management commands

Two node type ranges are available:

  • General Purpose: production-grade nodes designed for scalable database infrastructures.
  • Development: sandbox environments and reliable performance for development and testing purposes.

List available node types

List all available node types. By default, the node types returned in the list are ordered by creation date in ascending order, though this can be modified via the order_by field.


scw document-db node-type list [arg=value ...]


Name Description
include-disabled-types Defines whether or not to include disabled types
region Default: fr-par
One of: fr-par, nl-ams, pl-waw, all
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config

User privileges management commands

Privileges are permissions that can be granted to database users. You can manage user permissions either via the console, the Scaleway APIs. Managed Database for FerretDB provides a simplified and unified permission model through the API and the console to make things easier to manage and understand.

Each user has associated permissions that give them access to zero or more logical databases. These include:

  • None: No access to the database
  • Read: Allow users to read tables and fields in a database
  • Write: Allow users to write content in databases.
  • Admin: Read and write access to the data, and extended privileges depending on the database engine.

List user privileges for a database

List privileges of a user on a database. By default, the details returned in the list are ordered by creation date in ascending order, though this can be modified via the order_by field. You can define additional parameters for your query, such as database_name and user_name.


scw document-db privilege list [arg=value ...]


Name Description
order-by One of: user_name_asc, user_name_desc, database_name_asc, database_name_desc Criteria to use when ordering privileges listing
database-name Name of the database
instance-id Required UUID of the Database Instance
user-name Name of the user
region Default: fr-par
One of: fr-par, nl-ams, pl-waw, all
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config

Set user privileges for a database

Set the privileges of a user on a database. You must define database_name, user_name and permission in the request body.


scw document-db privilege set [arg=value ...]


Name Description
instance-id Required UUID of the Database Instance
database-name Name of the database
user-name Name of the user
permission One of: readonly, readwrite, all, custom, none Permission to set (Read, Read/Write, All, Custom)
region Default: fr-par
One of: fr-par, nl-ams, pl-waw
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config

Read replica management

A Read Replica is a live copy of a Database Instance that behaves like an Instance, but that only allows read-only connections. The replica mirrors the data of the primary Database node and any changes made are replicated to the replica asynchronously. Read Replicas allow you to scale your Database Instance for read-heavy database workloads. They can also be used for business intelligence workloads.

A Read Replica can have at most one direct access and one Private Network endpoint. Loadbalancer endpoints are not available on Read Replicas even if this resource is displayed in the Read Replica response example.

If you want to remove a Read Replica endpoint, you can use delete a Database Instance endpoint API call.

Instance Access Control Lists (ACL) also apply to Read Replica direct access endpoints.

Limitations: There might be replication lags between the primary node and its Read Replica nodes. You can try to reduce this lag with some good practices: * All your tables should have a primary key * Don't run large transactions that modify, delete or insert lots of rows. Try to split it into several small transactions.

Create a Read Replica

Create a new Read Replica of a Database Instance. You must specify the region and the instance_id. You can only create a maximum of 3 Read Replicas per Database Instance.


scw document-db read-replica create <instance-id ...> [arg=value ...]


Name Description
instance-id Required UUID of the Database Instance you want to create a Read Replica from
endpoint-spec.{index}.private-network.private-network-id UUID of the Private Network to be connected to the Read Replica
endpoint-spec.{index}.private-network.service-ip Endpoint IPv4 address with a CIDR notation. Refer to the official Scaleway documentation to learn more about IP and subnet limitations.
same-zone Defines whether or not to create the replica in the same Availability Zone as the main Database Instance nodes.
region Default: fr-par
One of: fr-par, nl-ams, pl-waw
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config

Create an endpoint for a Read Replica

Create a new endpoint for a Read Replica. Read Replicas can have at most one direct access and one Private Network endpoint.


scw document-db read-replica create-endpoint <read-replica-id ...> [arg=value ...]


Name Description
read-replica-id Required UUID of the Read Replica
endpoint-spec.{index}.private-network.private-network-id UUID of the Private Network to be connected to the Read Replica
endpoint-spec.{index}.private-network.service-ip Endpoint IPv4 address with a CIDR notation. Refer to the official Scaleway documentation to learn more about IP and subnet limitations.
region Default: fr-par
One of: fr-par, nl-ams, pl-waw
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config

Delete a Read Replica

Delete a Read Replica of a Database Instance. You must specify the region and read_replica_id parameters of the Read Replica you want to delete.


scw document-db read-replica delete <read-replica-id ...> [arg=value ...]


Name Description
read-replica-id Required UUID of the Read Replica
region Default: fr-par
One of: fr-par, nl-ams, pl-waw
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config

Get a Read Replica

Retrieve information about a Database Instance Read Replica. Full details about the Read Replica, like endpoints, status and region are returned in the response.


scw document-db read-replica get <read-replica-id ...> [arg=value ...]


Name Description
read-replica-id Required UUID of the Read Replica
region Default: fr-par
One of: fr-par, nl-ams, pl-waw
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config

Resync a Read Replica

When you resync a Read Replica, first it is reset, then its data is resynchronized from the primary node. Your Read Replica remains unavailable during the resync process. The duration of this process is proportional to the size of your Database Instance. The configured endpoints do not change.


scw document-db read-replica reset <read-replica-id ...> [arg=value ...]


Name Description
read-replica-id Required UUID of the Read Replica
region Default: fr-par
One of: fr-par, nl-ams, pl-waw
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config

Setting management

Advanced Database Instance settings allow you to tune the behavior of your database engines to better fit your needs.

Available settings depend on the database engine and its version. Note that some settings can only be defined upon database engine initialization. These are called init settings. You can find a full list of the settings available in the response body of the list available database engines endpoint.

Each advanced setting entry has a default value that users can override. The deletion of a setting entry will restore the setting to default value. Some of the defaults values can be different from the engine's defaults, as we optimize them to the Scaleway platform.

Add Database Instance advanced settings

Add an advanced setting to a Database Instance. You must set the name and the value of each setting.


scw document-db setting add [arg=value ...]


Name Description
instance-id Required UUID of the Database Instance you want to add settings to
region Default: fr-par
One of: fr-par, nl-ams, pl-waw
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config

Delete Database Instance advanced settings

Delete an advanced setting in a Database Instance. You must specify the names of the settings you want to delete in the request.


scw document-db setting delete [arg=value ...]


Name Description
instance-id Required UUID of the Database Instance to delete settings from
setting-names.{index} Required Settings names to delete
region Default: fr-par
One of: fr-par, nl-ams, pl-waw
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config

Set Database Instance advanced settings

Update an advanced setting for a Database Instance. Settings added upon database engine initalization can only be defined once, and cannot, therefore, be updated.


scw document-db setting set [arg=value ...]


Name Description
instance-id Required UUID of the Database Instance where the settings must be set
region Default: fr-par
One of: fr-par, nl-ams, pl-waw
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config

Block snapshot management

A snapshot is a consistent, instantaneous copy of the Block Storage volume of your Database Instance at a certain point in time. They are designed to recover your data in case of failure or accidental alterations of the data by a user. They allow you to quickly create a new Instance from a previous state of your database, regardless of the size of the volume. Their limitation is that, unlike backups, snapshots can only be stored in the same location as the original data.

Create a Database Instance snapshot

Create a new snapshot of a Database Instance. You must define the name parameter in the request.


scw document-db snapshot create [arg=value ...]


Name Description
instance-id Required UUID of the Database Instance
name Required
Default: <generated>
Name of the snapshot
expires-at Expiration date (must follow the ISO 8601 format)
region Default: fr-par
One of: fr-par, nl-ams, pl-waw
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config

Delete a Database Instance snapshot

Delete a given snapshot of a Database Instance. You must specify, in the endpoint, the region and snapshot_id parameters of the snapshot you want to delete.


scw document-db snapshot delete <snapshot-id ...> [arg=value ...]


Name Description
snapshot-id Required UUID of the snapshot to delete
region Default: fr-par
One of: fr-par, nl-ams, pl-waw
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config

Get a Database Instance snapshot

Retrieve information about a given snapshot, specified by its snapshot_id and region. Full details about the snapshot, like size and expiration date, are returned in the response.


scw document-db snapshot get <snapshot-id ...> [arg=value ...]


Name Description
snapshot-id Required UUID of the snapshot
region Default: fr-par
One of: fr-par, nl-ams, pl-waw
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config

List snapshots

List snapshots. You can include the instance_id or project_id in your query to get the list of snapshots for specific Database Instances and/or Projects. By default, the details returned in the list are ordered by creation date in ascending order, though this can be modified via the order_by field.


scw document-db snapshot list [arg=value ...]


Name Description
name Name of the snapshot
order-by One of: created_at_asc, created_at_desc, name_asc, name_desc, expires_at_asc, expires_at_desc Criteria to use when ordering snapshot listing
instance-id UUID of the Database Instance
project-id Project ID the snapshots belongs to
organization-id Organization ID the snapshots belongs to
region Default: fr-par
One of: fr-par, nl-ams, pl-waw, all
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config

Create a new Database Instance from a snapshot

Restore a snapshot. When you restore a snapshot, a new Instance is created and billed to your account. Note that is possible to select a larger node type for your new Database Instance. However, the Block volume size will be the same as the size of the restored snapshot. All Instance settings will be restored if you chose a node type with the same or more memory size than the initial Instance. Settings will be reset to the default if your node type has less memory.


scw document-db snapshot restore <snapshot-id ...> [arg=value ...]


Name Description
snapshot-id Required Block snapshot of the Database Instance
instance-name Name of the Database Instance created with the snapshot
is-ha-cluster Defines whether or not High Availability is enabled on the new Database Instance
node-type The node type used to restore the snapshot
region Default: fr-par
One of: fr-par, nl-ams, pl-waw
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config

Update a Database Instance snapshot

Update the parameters of a snapshot of a Database Instance. You can update the name and expires_at parameters.


scw document-db snapshot update <snapshot-id ...> [arg=value ...]


Name Description
snapshot-id Required UUID of the snapshot to update
name Name of the snapshot
expires-at Expiration date (must follow the ISO 8601 format)
region Default: fr-par
One of: fr-par, nl-ams, pl-waw
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config

User management commands

Users are profiles to which you can attribute database-level permissions. They allow you to define permissions specific to each type of database usage. For example, users with an admin role can create new databases and users.

Create a user for a Database Instance

Create a new user for a Database Instance. You must define the name, password and is_admin parameters.


scw document-db user create [arg=value ...]


Name Description
instance-id Required UUID of the Database Instance in which you want to create a user
name Name of the user you want to create
password Password of the user you want to create
is-admin Defines whether the user will have administrative privileges
region Default: fr-par
One of: fr-par, nl-ams, pl-waw
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config

Delete a user on a Database Instance

Delete a given user on a Database Instance. You must specify, in the endpoint, the region, instance_id and name parameters of the user you want to delete.


scw document-db user delete [arg=value ...]


Name Description
instance-id Required UUID of the Database Instance to delete the user from
name Required Name of the user
region Default: fr-par
One of: fr-par, nl-ams, pl-waw
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config

List users of a Database Instance

List all users of a given Database Instance. By default, the users returned in the list are ordered by creation date in ascending order, though this can be modified via the order_by field.


scw document-db user list [arg=value ...]


Name Description
name Name of the user
order-by One of: name_asc, name_desc, is_admin_asc, is_admin_desc Criteria to use when requesting user listing
instance-id Required UUID of the Database Instance
region Default: fr-par
One of: fr-par, nl-ams, pl-waw, all
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config

Update a user on a Database Instance

Update the parameters of a user on a Database Instance. You can update the password and is_admin parameters, but you cannot change the name of the user.


scw document-db user update [arg=value ...]


Name Description
instance-id Required UUID of the Database Instance the user belongs to
name Required Name of the database user
password Password of the database user
is-admin Defines whether or not this user got administrative privileges
region Default: fr-par
One of: fr-par, nl-ams, pl-waw
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config