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Documentation for scw ipns

IPFS Naming service API

A name is a hash of the public key within the IPNS (InterPlanetary Name System)

This is the PKI namespace, where the private key is used to publish (sign) a record.

Create a new name

You can use the ipns key command to list and generate more names and their respective keys.


scw ipns name create [arg=value ...]


Name Description
project-id Project ID to use. If none is passed the default project ID will be used
name Name for your records
value Value you want to associate with your records, CID or IPNS key
region Default: fr-par
One of: fr-par, nl-ams, pl-waw
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config

Delete an existing name

Delete a name by its ID.


scw ipns name delete [arg=value ...]


Name Description
name-id Required Name ID you wish to delete
region Default: fr-par
One of: fr-par, nl-ams, pl-waw
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config

Export your private key

Export a private key by its ID.


scw ipns name export-key [arg=value ...]


Name Description
name-id Required Name ID whose keys you want to export
region Default: fr-par
One of: fr-par, nl-ams, pl-waw
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config

Get information about a name

Retrieve information about a specific name.


scw ipns name get [arg=value ...]


Name Description
name-id Required Name ID whose information you want to retrieve
region Default: fr-par
One of: fr-par, nl-ams, pl-waw
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config

Import your private key

Import a private key.


scw ipns name import-key [arg=value ...]


Name Description
project-id Project ID to use. If none is passed the default project ID will be used
name Name for your records
private-key Required Base64 private key
value Value you want to associate with your records, CID or IPNS key
region Default: fr-par
One of: fr-par, nl-ams, pl-waw
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config

List all names by a Project ID

Retrieve information about all names from a Project ID.


scw ipns name list [arg=value ...]


Name Description
project-id Project ID
order-by One of: created_at_asc, created_at_desc Sort the order of the returned names
organization-id Organization ID
region Default: fr-par
One of: fr-par, nl-ams, pl-waw, all
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config

Update name information

Update name information (CID, tag, name...).


scw ipns name update [arg=value ...]


Name Description
name-id Required Name ID you wish to update
name New name you want to associate with your record
tags.{index} New tags you want to associate with your record
value Value you want to associate with your records, CID or IPNS key
region Default: fr-par
One of: fr-par, nl-ams, pl-waw
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config