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Documentation for scw block

This API allows you to manage your Block Storage volumes.

A Block Storage snapshot is a read-only picture of a Block volume, taken at a specific time

You can then revert your data to the previous snapshot. You can also create a new read/write Block volume from a previous snapshot.

Create a snapshot of a volume

To create a snapshot, the volume must be in the in_use or the available status. If your volume is in a transient state, you need to wait until the end of the current operation.


scw block snapshot create [arg=value ...]


Name Description
volume-id UUID of the volume to snapshot
name Default: <generated> Name of the snapshot
project-id Project ID to use. If none is passed the default project ID will be used
tags.{index} List of tags assigned to the snapshot
zone Default: fr-par-1
One of: fr-par-1, fr-par-2, fr-par-3, nl-ams-1, nl-ams-2, nl-ams-3, pl-waw-1, pl-waw-2, pl-waw-3
Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config

Delete a snapshot

You must specify the snapshot_id of the snapshot you want to delete. The snapshot must not be in use.


scw block snapshot delete <snapshot-id ...> [arg=value ...]


Name Description
snapshot-id Required UUID of the snapshot
zone Default: fr-par-1
One of: fr-par-1, fr-par-2, fr-par-3, nl-ams-1, nl-ams-2, nl-ams-3, pl-waw-1, pl-waw-2, pl-waw-3
Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config

Export a snapshot to a Scaleway Object Storage bucket

The snapshot is exported in QCOW2 format. The snapshot must not be in transient state.


scw block snapshot export-to-object-storage [arg=value ...]


Name Description
snapshot-id Required UUID of the snapshot
bucket Scaleway Object Storage bucket where the object is stored
key The object key inside the given bucket
zone Default: fr-par-1
One of: fr-par-1, fr-par-2, fr-par-3, nl-ams-1, nl-ams-2, nl-ams-3, pl-waw-1, pl-waw-2, pl-waw-3
Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config

Get a snapshot

Retrieve technical information about a specific snapshot. Details such as size, volume type, and status are returned in the response.


scw block snapshot get <snapshot-id ...> [arg=value ...]


Name Description
snapshot-id Required UUID of the snapshot
zone Default: fr-par-1
One of: fr-par-1, fr-par-2, fr-par-3, nl-ams-1, nl-ams-2, nl-ams-3, pl-waw-1, pl-waw-2, pl-waw-3
Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config

Import a snapshot from a Scaleway Object Storage bucket

The bucket must contain a QCOW2 image. The bucket can be imported into any Availability Zone as long as it is in the same region as the bucket.


scw block snapshot import-from-object-storage [arg=value ...]


Name Description
bucket Scaleway Object Storage bucket where the object is stored
key The object key inside the given bucket
name Name of the snapshot
project-id Project ID to use. If none is passed the default project ID will be used
tags.{index} List of tags assigned to the snapshot
size Size of the snapshot
zone Default: fr-par-1
One of: fr-par-1, fr-par-2, fr-par-3, nl-ams-1, nl-ams-2, nl-ams-3, pl-waw-1, pl-waw-2, pl-waw-3
Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config

List all snapshots

List all available snapshots in a specified zone. By default, the snapshots listed are ordered by creation date in ascending order. This can be modified via the order_by field.


scw block snapshot list [arg=value ...]


Name Description
order-by One of: created_at_asc, created_at_desc, name_asc, name_desc Criteria to use when ordering the list
project-id Filter by Project ID
volume-id Filter snapshots by the ID of the original volume
name Filter snapshots by their names
organization-id Filter by Organization ID
zone Default: fr-par-1
One of: fr-par-1, fr-par-2, fr-par-3, nl-ams-1, nl-ams-2, nl-ams-3, pl-waw-1, pl-waw-2, pl-waw-3, all
Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config

Update a snapshot

Update the name or tags of the snapshot.


scw block snapshot update <snapshot-id ...> [arg=value ...]


Name Description
snapshot-id Required UUID of the snapshot
name When defined, is the name of the snapshot
tags.{index} List of tags assigned to the snapshot
zone Default: fr-par-1
One of: fr-par-1, fr-par-2, fr-par-3, nl-ams-1, nl-ams-2, nl-ams-3, pl-waw-1, pl-waw-2, pl-waw-3
Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config

A Block Storage volume is a logical storage drive on a network-connected storage system. It is exposed to Instances as if it were a physical disk, and can be attached and detached like a hard drive. Several Block volumes can be attached to one Instance at a time

Block volumes can be snapshotted, mounted or unmounted.

Create a volume

To create a new volume from scratch, you must specify from_empty and the size. To create a volume from an existing snapshot, specify from_snapshot and the snapshot_id in the request payload instead, size is optional and can be specified if you need to extend the original size. The volume will take on the same volume class and underlying IOPS limitations as the original snapshot.


scw block volume create [arg=value ...]


Name Description
name Required
Default: <generated>
Name of the volume
perf-iops Required The maximum IO/s expected, according to the different options available in stock (5000 | 15000)
project-id Project ID to use. If none is passed the default project ID will be used
from-empty.size Volume size in bytes, with a granularity of 1 GB (10^9 bytes)
from-snapshot.size Volume size in bytes, with a granularity of 1 GB (10^9 bytes)
from-snapshot.snapshot-id Source snapshot from which volume will be created
tags.{index} List of tags assigned to the volume
zone Default: fr-par-1
One of: fr-par-1, fr-par-2, fr-par-3, nl-ams-1, nl-ams-2, nl-ams-3, pl-waw-1, pl-waw-2, pl-waw-3
Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config

Delete a detached volume

You must specify the volume_id of the volume you want to delete. The volume must not be in the in_use status.


scw block volume delete <volume-id ...> [arg=value ...]


Name Description
volume-id Required UUID of the volume
zone Default: fr-par-1
One of: fr-par-1, fr-par-2, fr-par-3, nl-ams-1, nl-ams-2, nl-ams-3, pl-waw-1, pl-waw-2, pl-waw-3
Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config

Get a volume

Retrieve technical information about a specific volume. Details such as size, type, and status are returned in the response.


scw block volume get <volume-id ...> [arg=value ...]


Name Description
volume-id Required UUID of the volume
zone Default: fr-par-1
One of: fr-par-1, fr-par-2, fr-par-3, nl-ams-1, nl-ams-2, nl-ams-3, pl-waw-1, pl-waw-2, pl-waw-3
Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config

List volumes

List all existing volumes in a specified zone. By default, the volumes listed are ordered by creation date in ascending order. This can be modified via the order_by field.


scw block volume list [arg=value ...]


Name Description
order-by One of: created_at_asc, created_at_desc, name_asc, name_desc Criteria to use when ordering the list
project-id Filter by Project ID
name Filter the return volumes by their names
product-resource-id Filter by a product resource ID linked to this volume (such as an Instance ID)
tags.{index} Filter by tags. Only volumes with one or more matching tags will be returned
organization-id Filter by Organization ID
zone Default: fr-par-1
One of: fr-par-1, fr-par-2, fr-par-3, nl-ams-1, nl-ams-2, nl-ams-3, pl-waw-1, pl-waw-2, pl-waw-3, all
Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config

Update a volume

Update the technical details of a volume, such as its name, tags, or its new size and volume_type (within the same Block Storage class). You can only resize a volume to a larger size. It is currently not possible to change your Block Storage Class.


scw block volume update <volume-id ...> [arg=value ...]


Name Description
volume-id Required UUID of the volume
name When defined, is the new name of the volume
size Optional field for increasing the size of a volume (size must be equal or larger than the current one)
tags.{index} List of tags assigned to the volume
perf-iops The maximum IO/s expected, according to the different options available in stock (5000 | 15000)
zone Default: fr-par-1
One of: fr-par-1, fr-par-2, fr-par-3, nl-ams-1, nl-ams-2, nl-ams-3, pl-waw-1, pl-waw-2, pl-waw-3
Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config

Block Storage volume types are determined by their storage class and their IOPS. There are two storage classes available: bssd and sbs. The IOPS can be chosen for volumes of the sbs storage class

Block Storage volume types are determined by their storage class and their IOPS. There are two storage classes available: bssd and sbs. The IOPS can be chosen for volumes of the sbs storage class.

List volume types

List all available volume types in a specified zone. The volume types listed are ordered by name in ascending order.


scw block volume-type list [arg=value ...]


Name Description
zone Default: fr-par-1
One of: fr-par-1, fr-par-2, fr-par-3, nl-ams-1, nl-ams-2, nl-ams-3, pl-waw-1, pl-waw-2, pl-waw-3, all
Zone to target. If none is passed will use default zone from the config