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Documentation for scw ipam

This API allows you to manage your Scaleway IP addresses with our IP Address Management tool.

IP management command


Reserve a new IP

Reserve a new IP from the specified source. Currently IPs can only be reserved from a Private Network.


scw ipam ip create [arg=value ...]


Name Description
project-id Project ID to use. If none is passed the default project ID will be used
source.zonal Zone the IP lives in if the IP is a public zoned IP.
source.private-network-id Private Network the IP lives in if the IP is a private IP.
source.subnet-id Private Network subnet the IP lives in if the IP is a private IP in a Private Network.
is-ipv6 Request an IPv6 instead of an IPv4
address Request this specific IP address in the specified source pool
tags.{index} Tags for the IP
resource.mac-address MAC address of the custom resource Name of the custom resource
region Default: fr-par
One of: fr-par, nl-ams, pl-waw
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config

Release an IP

Release an IP not currently attached to a resource, and returns it to the available IP pool.


scw ipam ip delete <ip-id ...> [arg=value ...]


Name Description
ip-id Required IP ID
region Default: fr-par
One of: fr-par, nl-ams, pl-waw
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config

Get an IP

Retrieve details of an existing IP, specified by its IP ID.


scw ipam ip get <ip-id ...> [arg=value ...]


Name Description
ip-id Required IP ID
region Default: fr-par
One of: fr-par, nl-ams, pl-waw
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config

List existing IPs

List existing IPs in the specified region using various filters. For example, you can filter for IPs within a specified Private Network, or for public IPs within a specified Project. By default, the IPs returned in the list are ordered by creation date in ascending order, though this can be modified via the order_by field.


scw ipam ip list [arg=value ...]


Name Description
order-by One of: created_at_desc, created_at_asc, updated_at_desc, updated_at_asc, attached_at_desc, attached_at_asc Sort order of the returned IPs
project-id Project ID to filter for. Only IPs belonging to this Project will be returned
zonal Zone to filter for. Only IPs that are zonal, and in this zone, will be returned
private-network-id Private Network to filter for.
subnet-id Subnet ID to filter for.
vpc-id VPC ID to filter for.
attached Defines whether to filter only for IPs which are attached to a resource
resource-id Resource ID to filter for. Only IPs attached to this resource will be returned
resource-type One of: unknown_type, custom, instance_server, instance_ip, instance_private_nic, lb_server, fip_ip, vpc_gateway, vpc_gateway_network, k8s_node, k8s_cluster, rdb_instance, redis_cluster, baremetal_server, baremetal_private_nic, llm_deployment, mgdb_instance, apple_silicon_server, apple_silicon_private_nic Resource type to filter for. Only IPs attached to this type of resource will be returned
mac-address MAC address to filter for. Only IPs attached to a resource with this MAC address will be returned
tags.{index} Tags to filter for, only IPs with one or more matching tags will be returned
is-ipv6 Defines whether to filter only for IPv4s or IPv6s
resource-name Attached resource name to filter for, only IPs attached to a resource with this string within their name will be returned.
resource-types.{index} One of: unknown_type, custom, instance_server, instance_ip, instance_private_nic, lb_server, fip_ip, vpc_gateway, vpc_gateway_network, k8s_node, k8s_cluster, rdb_instance, redis_cluster, baremetal_server, baremetal_private_nic, llm_deployment, mgdb_instance, apple_silicon_server, apple_silicon_private_nic Resource types to filter for. Only IPs attached to these types of resources will be returned
organization-id Organization ID to filter for. Only IPs belonging to this Organization will be returned
region Default: fr-par
One of: fr-par, nl-ams, pl-waw, all
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config

Update an IP

Update parameters including tags of the specified IP.


scw ipam ip update <ip-id ...> [arg=value ...]


Name Description
ip-id Required IP ID
tags.{index} Tags for the IP
reverses.{index}.hostname Reverse domain name
reverses.{index}.address IP corresponding to the hostname
region Default: fr-par
One of: fr-par, nl-ams, pl-waw
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config

Management command for sets of IPs


Release ipam resources

Release ipam resources.


scw ipam ip-set release [arg=value ...]


Name Description
region Default: fr-par
One of: fr-par, nl-ams, pl-waw
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config
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