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Documentation for scw marketplace

This API allows you to find available images for use when launching a Scaleway Instance.

Marketplace category management commands

Marketplace category management commands.

Get a specific category

Get information about a specific category of the marketplace catalog, specified by its category_id (UUID format).


scw marketplace category get [arg=value ...]


Name Description
category-id Required

List existing image categories

Get a list of all existing categories. The output can be paginated.


scw marketplace category list

Marketplace images management commands

Marketplace images management commands.

Get a specific marketplace image

Get detailed information about a marketplace image, specified by its image_id (UUID format).


scw marketplace image get [arg=value ...]


Name Description
label Required

List marketplace images

List all available images on the marketplace, their UUID, CPU architecture and description.


scw marketplace image list [arg=value ...]


Name Description
order-by One of: name_asc, name_desc, created_at_asc, created_at_desc, updated_at_asc, updated_at_desc Ordering to use
arch Choose for which machine architecture to return images
category Choose the category of images to get
include-eol Choose to include end-of-life images

Marketplace local images management commands

Marketplace local images management commands.

Get a specific local image by ID

Get detailed information about a local image, including compatible commercial types, supported architecture, labels and the Availability Zone of the image, specified by its local_image_id (UUID format).


scw marketplace local-image get [arg=value ...]


Name Description
local-image-id Required

List local images from a specific image or version

List information about local images in a specific Availability Zone, specified by its image_id (UUID format), version_id (UUID format) or image_label. Only one of these three parameters may be set.


scw marketplace local-image list [arg=value ...]


Name Description
order-by One of: type_asc, type_desc, created_at_asc, created_at_desc Ordering to use
zone Filter local images available on this Availability Zone
image-id Filter by image id
version-id Filter by version id
image-label Filter by image label
type One of: unknown_type, instance_local, instance_sbs Filter by type

Marketplace version management commands

Marketplace version management commands.

Get a specific image version

Get information such as the name, creation date, last update and published date for an image version specified by its version_id (UUID format).


scw marketplace version get [arg=value ...]


Name Description
version-id Required

List versions of an Image

Get a list of all available version of an image, specified by its image_id (UUID format).


scw marketplace version list [arg=value ...]


Name Description
order-by One of: created_at_asc, created_at_desc