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Documentation for scw mnq

These APIs allow you to manage your Messaging and Queuing NATS, SQS and SNS services.

MnQ NATS commands

MnQ NATS commands.

Create a NATS account

Create a NATS account associated with a Project.


scw mnq nats create-account [arg=value ...]


Name Description
name Default: <generated> NATS account name
project-id Project ID to use. If none is passed the default project ID will be used
region Default: fr-par
One of: fr-par, nl-ams
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config

Create a new context for natscli

This command help you configure your nats cli Contexts should are stored in $HOME/.config/nats/context Credentials and context file are saved in your nats context folder with 0600 permissions


scw mnq nats create-context [arg=value ...]


Name Description
nats-account-id ID of the NATS account
name Name of the saved context, defaults to account name
credentials-name Name of the created credentials
region Default: fr-par
One of: fr-par, nl-ams
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config


Create a context in your nats server

scw mnq nats create-context <nats-account-id> credentials-name=<credential-name> region=fr-par

Create NATS credentials

Create a set of credentials for a NATS account, specified by its NATS account ID.


scw mnq nats create-credentials [arg=value ...]


Name Description
nats-account-id Required NATS account containing the credentials
name Default: <generated> Name of the credentials
region Default: fr-par
One of: fr-par, nl-ams
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config

Delete a NATS account

Delete a NATS account, specified by its NATS account ID. Note that deleting a NATS account is irreversible, and any credentials, streams, consumer and stored messages belonging to this NATS account will also be deleted.


scw mnq nats delete-account <nats-account-id ...> [arg=value ...]


Name Description
nats-account-id Required ID of the NATS account to delete
region Default: fr-par
One of: fr-par, nl-ams
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config

Delete NATS credentials

Delete a set of credentials, specified by their credentials ID. Deleting credentials is irreversible and cannot be undone. The credentials can no longer be used to access the NATS account, and active connections using this credentials will be closed.


scw mnq nats delete-credentials <nats-credentials-id ...> [arg=value ...]


Name Description
nats-credentials-id Required ID of the credentials to delete
region Default: fr-par
One of: fr-par, nl-ams
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config

Get a NATS account

Retrieve information about an existing NATS account identified by its NATS account ID. Its full details, including name and endpoint, are returned in the response.


scw mnq nats get-account <nats-account-id ...> [arg=value ...]


Name Description
nats-account-id Required ID of the NATS account to get
region Default: fr-par
One of: fr-par, nl-ams
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config

Get NATS credentials

Retrieve an existing set of credentials, identified by the nats_credentials_id. The credentials themselves are NOT returned, only their metadata (NATS account ID, credentials name, etc), are returned in the response.


scw mnq nats get-credentials <nats-credentials-id ...> [arg=value ...]


Name Description
nats-credentials-id Required ID of the credentials to get
region Default: fr-par
One of: fr-par, nl-ams
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config

List NATS accounts

List all NATS accounts in the specified region, for a Scaleway Organization or Project. By default, the NATS accounts returned in the list are ordered by creation date in ascending order, though this can be modified via the order_by field.


scw mnq nats list-accounts [arg=value ...]


Name Description
project-id Include only NATS accounts in this Project
order-by One of: created_at_asc, created_at_desc, updated_at_asc, updated_at_desc, name_asc, name_desc Order in which to return results
region Default: fr-par
One of: fr-par, nl-ams, all
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config

List NATS credentials

List existing credentials in the specified NATS account. The response contains only the metadata for the credentials, not the credentials themselves, which are only returned after a Create Credentials call.


scw mnq nats list-credentials [arg=value ...]


Name Description
nats-account-id Required Include only credentials for this NATS account
order-by One of: created_at_asc, created_at_desc, updated_at_asc, updated_at_desc, name_asc, name_desc Order in which to return results
region Default: fr-par
One of: fr-par, nl-ams, all
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config

Update the name of a NATS account

Update the name of a NATS account, specified by its NATS account ID.


scw mnq nats update-account <nats-account-id ...> [arg=value ...]


Name Description
nats-account-id Required ID of the NATS account to update
name NATS account name
region Default: fr-par
One of: fr-par, nl-ams
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config

MnQ SNS commands

MnQ SNS commands.

Activate SNS

Activate SNS for the specified Project ID. SNS must be activated before any usage. Activating SNS does not trigger any billing, and you can deactivate at any time.


scw mnq sns activate [arg=value ...]


Name Description
project-id Project ID to use. If none is passed the default project ID will be used
region Default: fr-par
One of: fr-par, nl-ams
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config

Create SNS credentials

Create a set of credentials for SNS, specified by a Project ID. Credentials give the bearer access to topics, and the level of permissions can be defined granularly.


scw mnq sns create-credentials [arg=value ...]


Name Description
project-id Project ID to use. If none is passed the default project ID will be used
name Default: <generated> Name of the credentials
permissions.can-publish Defines whether the credentials bearer can publish messages to the service (publish to SNS topics)
permissions.can-receive Defines whether the credentials bearer can receive messages from the service (configure subscriptions)
permissions.can-manage Defines whether the credentials bearer can manage the associated SNS topics or subscriptions
region Default: fr-par
One of: fr-par, nl-ams
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config

Deactivate SNS

Deactivate SNS for the specified Project ID.You must delete all topics and credentials before this call or you need to set the force_delete parameter.


scw mnq sns deactivate [arg=value ...]


Name Description
project-id Project ID to use. If none is passed the default project ID will be used
region Default: fr-par
One of: fr-par, nl-ams
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config

Delete SNS credentials

Delete a set of SNS credentials, specified by their credentials ID. Deleting credentials is irreversible and cannot be undone. The credentials can then no longer be used to access SNS.


scw mnq sns delete-credentials <sns-credentials-id ...> [arg=value ...]


Name Description
sns-credentials-id Required ID of the credentials to delete
region Default: fr-par
One of: fr-par, nl-ams
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config

Get SNS credentials

Retrieve an existing set of credentials, identified by the credentials_id. The credentials themselves, as well as their metadata (name, project ID etc), are returned in the response.


scw mnq sns get-credentials <sns-credentials-id ...> [arg=value ...]


Name Description
sns-credentials-id Required ID of the SNS credentials to get
region Default: fr-par
One of: fr-par, nl-ams
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config

Get SNS info

Retrieve the SNS information of the specified Project ID. Informations include the activation status and the SNS API endpoint URL.


scw mnq sns get-info [arg=value ...]


Name Description
project-id Project ID to use. If none is passed the default project ID will be used
region Default: fr-par
One of: fr-par, nl-ams
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config

List SNS credentials

List existing SNS credentials in the specified region. The response contains only the metadata for the credentials, not the credentials themselves.


scw mnq sns list-credentials [arg=value ...]


Name Description
project-id Include only SNS credentials in this Project
order-by One of: created_at_asc, created_at_desc, updated_at_asc, updated_at_desc, name_asc, name_desc Order in which to return results
region Default: fr-par
One of: fr-par, nl-ams, all
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config

Update SNS credentials

Update a set of SNS credentials. You can update the credentials' name, or their permissions.


scw mnq sns update-credentials <sns-credentials-id ...> [arg=value ...]


Name Description
sns-credentials-id Required ID of the SNS credentials to update
name Name of the credentials
permissions.can-publish Defines whether the credentials bearer can publish messages to the service (publish to SNS topics)
permissions.can-receive Defines whether the credentials bearer can receive messages from the service (configure subscriptions)
permissions.can-manage Defines whether the credentials bearer can manage the associated SNS topics or subscriptions
region Default: fr-par
One of: fr-par, nl-ams
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config

MnQ SQS commands

MnQ SQS commands.

Activate SQS

Activate SQS for the specified Project ID. SQS must be activated before any usage such as creating credentials and queues. Activating SQS does not trigger any billing, and you can deactivate at any time.


scw mnq sqs activate [arg=value ...]


Name Description
project-id Project ID to use. If none is passed the default project ID will be used
region Default: fr-par
One of: fr-par, nl-ams
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config

Create SQS credentials

Create a set of credentials for SQS, specified by a Project ID. Credentials give the bearer access to queues, and the level of permissions can be defined granularly.


scw mnq sqs create-credentials [arg=value ...]


Name Description
project-id Project ID to use. If none is passed the default project ID will be used
name Default: <generated> Name of the credentials
permissions.can-publish Defines whether the credentials bearer can publish messages to the service (send messages to SQS queues)
permissions.can-receive Defines whether the credentials bearer can receive messages from SQS queues
permissions.can-manage Defines whether the credentials bearer can manage the associated SQS queues
region Default: fr-par
One of: fr-par, nl-ams
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config

Deactivate SQS

Deactivate SQS for the specified Project ID. You must delete all queues and credentials before this call or you need to set the force_delete parameter.


scw mnq sqs deactivate [arg=value ...]


Name Description
project-id Project ID to use. If none is passed the default project ID will be used
region Default: fr-par
One of: fr-par, nl-ams
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config

Delete SQS credentials

Delete a set of SQS credentials, specified by their credentials ID. Deleting credentials is irreversible and cannot be undone. The credentials can then no longer be used to access SQS.


scw mnq sqs delete-credentials <sqs-credentials-id ...> [arg=value ...]


Name Description
sqs-credentials-id Required ID of the credentials to delete
region Default: fr-par
One of: fr-par, nl-ams
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config

Get SQS credentials

Retrieve an existing set of credentials, identified by the credentials_id. The credentials themselves, as well as their metadata (name, project ID etc), are returned in the response.


scw mnq sqs get-credentials <sqs-credentials-id ...> [arg=value ...]


Name Description
sqs-credentials-id Required ID of the SQS credentials to get
region Default: fr-par
One of: fr-par, nl-ams
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config

Get SQS info

Retrieve the SQS information of the specified Project ID. Informations include the activation status and the SQS API endpoint URL.


scw mnq sqs get-info [arg=value ...]


Name Description
project-id Project ID to use. If none is passed the default project ID will be used
region Default: fr-par
One of: fr-par, nl-ams
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config

List SQS credentials

List existing SQS credentials in the specified region. The response contains only the metadata for the credentials, not the credentials themselves.


scw mnq sqs list-credentials [arg=value ...]


Name Description
project-id Include only SQS credentials in this Project
order-by One of: created_at_asc, created_at_desc, updated_at_asc, updated_at_desc, name_asc, name_desc Order in which to return results
region Default: fr-par
One of: fr-par, nl-ams, all
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config

Update SQS credentials

Update a set of SQS credentials. You can update the credentials' name, or their permissions.


scw mnq sqs update-credentials <sqs-credentials-id ...> [arg=value ...]


Name Description
sqs-credentials-id Required ID of the SQS credentials to update
name Name of the credentials
permissions.can-publish Defines whether the credentials bearer can publish messages to the service (send messages to SQS queues)
permissions.can-receive Defines whether the credentials bearer can receive messages from SQS queues
permissions.can-manage Defines whether the credentials bearer can manage the associated SQS queues
region Default: fr-par
One of: fr-par, nl-ams
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config