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Get help about how date parsing works in the CLI

Date parsing

You have two ways for managing date in the CLI: Absolute and Relative

  • Absolute time

Absolute time refers to a specific and absolute point in time. CLI uses RFC3339 to parse those time and pass a time.Time go structure to the underlying functions.

Example: "2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00"
  • Relative time

Relative time refers to a time calculated from adding a given duration to the time when a command is launched.

- +1d4m => current time plus 1 day and 4 minutes
- -1d4m => current time minus 1 day and 4 minutes
  • Units of time

    Nanosecond: ns Microsecond: us, µs (U+00B5 = micro symbol), μs (U+03BC = Greek letter mu) Millisecond: ms Second: s, sec, second, seconds Minute: m, min, minute, minutes Hour: h, hr, hour, hours Day: d, day, days Week: w, wk, week, weeks Month: mo, mon, month, months Year: y, yr, year, years

Date parsing

You have two ways for managing date in the CLI: Absolute and Relative

  • Absolute time

Absolute time refers to a specific and absolute point in time. CLI uses RFC3339 to parse those time and pass a time.Time go structure to the underlying functions.

Example: "2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00"
  • Relative time

Relative time refers to a time calculated from adding a given duration to the time when a command is launched.

- +1d4m => current time plus 1 day and 4 minutes
- -1d4m => current time minus 1 day and 4 minutes
  • Units of time

    Nanosecond: ns Microsecond: us, µs (U+00B5 = micro symbol), μs (U+03BC = Greek letter mu) Millisecond: ms Second: s, sec, second, seconds Minute: m, min, minute, minutes Hour: h, hr, hour, hours Day: d, day, days Week: w, wk, week, weeks Month: mo, mon, month, months Year: y, yr, year, years


scw help date

Get help about how the CLI output works

Output formatting in the CLI

Human output (default one)

scw instance server list

ID                                    NAME               TYPE    STATE    ZONE      PUBLIC IP
088b01da-9ba7-40d2-bc55-eb3170f42185  scw-cool-franklin  DEV1-S  running  fr-par-1

Human with column selection

You can select the columns that you want to print with commands that return a list

scw instance server list -o human=Name,PublicIP

NAME                                            PUBLIC IP

Wide output (Human without column shrinking)

scw instance server list -o wide

ID                                    NAME               TYPE    STATE    ZONE      PUBLIC IP
088b01da-9ba7-40d2-bc55-eb3170f42185  scw-cool-franklin  DEV1-S  running  fr-par-1

Wide with column selection

You can select the columns that you want to print with commands that return a list

scw instance server list -o wide=Name,PublicIP

NAME                                            PUBLIC IP

Standard JSON output

scw config dump -o json


Pretty JSON output

scw config dump -o json=pretty

  "secret_key": "11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111",
  "default_organization_id": "11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111",
  "default_region": "fr-par",
  "default_zone": "fr-par-1",
  "send_telemetry": true

Standard YAML output

scw config dump -o yaml

secret_key: 11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111
default_organization_id: 11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111
default_region: fr-par
default_zone: fr-par-1
send_telemetry: true

Template output

You can use Go template to manipulate the output of a command and create a custom rendering of your resources. Visit to learn more about Go template format.

scw instance server list -o template="{{ .Name }}||{{ .ID }}"


Output formatting in the CLI

Human output (default one)

scw instance server list

ID                                    NAME               TYPE    STATE    ZONE      PUBLIC IP
088b01da-9ba7-40d2-bc55-eb3170f42185  scw-cool-franklin  DEV1-S  running  fr-par-1

Human with column selection

You can select the columns that you want to print with commands that return a list

scw instance server list -o human=Name,PublicIP

NAME                                            PUBLIC IP

Wide output (Human without column shrinking)

scw instance server list -o wide

ID                                    NAME               TYPE    STATE    ZONE      PUBLIC IP
088b01da-9ba7-40d2-bc55-eb3170f42185  scw-cool-franklin  DEV1-S  running  fr-par-1

Wide with column selection

You can select the columns that you want to print with commands that return a list

scw instance server list -o wide=Name,PublicIP

NAME                                            PUBLIC IP

Standard JSON output

scw config dump -o json


Pretty JSON output

scw config dump -o json=pretty

  "secret_key": "11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111",
  "default_organization_id": "11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111",
  "default_region": "fr-par",
  "default_zone": "fr-par-1",
  "send_telemetry": true

Standard YAML output

scw config dump -o yaml

secret_key: 11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111
default_organization_id: 11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111
default_region: fr-par
default_zone: fr-par-1
send_telemetry: true

Template output

You can use Go template to manipulate the output of a command and create a custom rendering of your resources. Visit to learn more about Go template format.

scw instance server list -o template="{{ .Name }}||{{ .ID }}"



scw help output