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Documentation for scw registry

This API allows you to manage your Container Registry resources.

Image management commands

An image represents a container image. A container image is a file that includes all the requirements and instructions of a complete and executable version of an application. When running, it becomes one or multiple instances of that application.

The visibility of an image can be public - when anyone can pull it, private - when only users within your organization can pull it, or inherited from the namespace visibility - which is the default. The visibility of your image can be changed using the update image endpoit.

Delete an image

Delete a given image. You must specify, in the endpoint, the region and image_id parameters of the image you want to delete.


scw registry image delete <image-id ...> [arg=value ...]


Name Description
image-id Required UUID of the image
region Default: fr-par
One of: fr-par, nl-ams, pl-waw
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config

Get an image

Retrieve information about a given container image, specified by its image_id and region. Full details about the image, such as name, namespace_id, status, visibility, and size are returned in the response.


scw registry image get <image-id ...> [arg=value ...]


Name Description
image-id Required UUID of the image
region Default: fr-par
One of: fr-par, nl-ams, pl-waw
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config

List images

List all images in a specified region. By default, the images listed are ordered by creation date in ascending order. This can be modified via the order_by field. You can also define additional parameters for your query, such as the namespace_id and project_id parameters.


scw registry image list [arg=value ...]


Name Description
order-by One of: created_at_asc, created_at_desc, name_asc, name_desc Criteria to use when ordering image listings. Possible values are created_at_asc, created_at_desc, name_asc, name_desc, region, status_asc and status_desc. The default value is created_at_asc.
namespace-id Filter by the namespace ID
name Filter by the image name (exact match)
project-id Filter by Project ID
organization-id Filter by Organization ID
region Default: fr-par
One of: fr-par, nl-ams, pl-waw, all
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config

Update an image

Update the parameters of a given image, specified by its image_id and region. You can update the visibility parameter.


scw registry image update <image-id ...> [arg=value ...]


Name Description
image-id Required ID of the image to update
visibility One of: visibility_unknown, inherit, public, private Set to public to allow the image to be pulled without authentication. Else, set to private. Set to inherit to keep the same visibility configuration as the namespace
region Default: fr-par
One of: fr-par, nl-ams, pl-waw
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config

Install a local Docker credential helper

This command will install the Docker credential helper for your account.

It will create a new script named docker-credential-scw. This script will be called each time Docker needs the credentials and will return the correct credentials. It avoid running docker login commands.

This command will install the Docker credential helper for your account.

It will create a new script named docker-credential-scw. This script will be called each time Docker needs the credentials and will return the correct credentials. It avoid running docker login commands.


scw registry install-docker-helper [arg=value ...]


Name Description
path Default: /usr/local/bin Directory in which the Docker helper will be installed. This directory should be in your $PATH

Login to a registry

This command will run the correct command in order to log you in on the registry with the chosen program. You will need to have the chosen binary installed on your system and in your PATH.

This command will run the correct command in order to log you in on the registry with the chosen program. You will need to have the chosen binary installed on your system and in your PATH.


scw registry login [arg=value ...]


Name Description
program Default: docker
One of: docker, podman
Program used to log in to the namespace
region Default: fr-par
One of: fr-par, nl-ams, pl-waw
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config

Logout of a registry

This command will run the correct command in order to log you out of the registry with the chosen program. You will need to have the chosen binary installed on your system and in your PATH.

This command will run the correct command in order to log you out of the registry with the chosen program. You will need to have the chosen binary installed on your system and in your PATH.


scw registry logout [arg=value ...]


Name Description
program Default: docker
One of: docker, podman
Program used to log in to the namespace
region Default: fr-par Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config

Namespace management commands

A namespace is a collection of container images, each bearing the unique identifier of that namespace. A namespace can be either public or private, by default.

Each namespace must have a globally unique name within its region. This means no namespaces in the same region can bear the same name.

You can use namespace privacy policies to specify whether everyone has the right to pull an image from a namespace or not. When an image is in a public namespace, anyone is able to pull it. You can set your namespace to private if you want to restrict access.

Create a namespace

Create a new Container Registry namespace. You must specify the namespace name and region in which you want it to be created. Optionally, you can specify the project_id and is_public in the request payload.


scw registry namespace create [arg=value ...]


Name Description
name Required
Default: <generated>
Name of the namespace
description Description of the namespace
project-id Project ID to use. If none is passed the default project ID will be used
is-public Defines whether or not namespace is public
organization-id Organization ID to use. If none is passed the default organization ID will be used
region Default: fr-par
One of: fr-par, nl-ams, pl-waw
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config

Delete a namespace

Delete a given namespace. You must specify, in the endpoint, the region and namespace_id parameters of the namespace you want to delete.


scw registry namespace delete <namespace-id ...> [arg=value ...]


Name Description
namespace-id Required UUID of the namespace
region Default: fr-par
One of: fr-par, nl-ams, pl-waw
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config

Get a namespace

Retrieve information about a given namespace, specified by its namespace_id and region. Full details about the namespace, such as description, project_id, status, endpoint, is_public, size, and image_count are returned in the response.


scw registry namespace get <namespace-id ...> [arg=value ...]


Name Description
namespace-id Required UUID of the namespace
region Default: fr-par
One of: fr-par, nl-ams, pl-waw
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config

List namespaces

List all namespaces in a specified region. By default, the namespaces listed are ordered by creation date in ascending order. This can be modified via the order_by field. You can also define additional parameters for your query, such as the instance_id and project_id parameters.


scw registry namespace list [arg=value ...]


Name Description
order-by One of: created_at_asc, created_at_desc, description_asc, description_desc, name_asc, name_desc Criteria to use when ordering namespace listings. Possible values are created_at_asc, created_at_desc, name_asc, name_desc, region, status_asc and status_desc. The default value is created_at_asc.
project-id Filter by Project ID
name Filter by the namespace name (exact match)
organization-id Filter by Organization ID
region Default: fr-par
One of: fr-par, nl-ams, pl-waw, all
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config

Update a namespace

Update the parameters of a given namespace, specified by its namespace_id and region. You can update the description and is_public parameters.


scw registry namespace update <namespace-id ...> [arg=value ...]


Name Description
namespace-id Required ID of the namespace to update
description Namespace description
is-public Defines whether or not the namespace is public
region Default: fr-par
One of: fr-par, nl-ams, pl-waw
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config

Tag management commands

Tags allow you to organize your container images. This gives you the possibility of sorting and filtering your images in any organizational pattern of your choice, which in turn helps you arrange, control and monitor your cloud resources. You can assign as many tags as you want to each image.

Delete a tag

Delete a given image tag. You must specify, in the endpoint, the region and tag_id parameters of the tag you want to delete.


scw registry tag delete <tag-id ...> [arg=value ...]


Name Description
tag-id Required UUID of the tag
~~force~~ Deprecated If two tags share the same digest the deletion will fail unless this parameter is set to true (deprecated)
region Default: fr-par
One of: fr-par, nl-ams, pl-waw
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config

Get a tag

Retrieve information about a given image tag, specified by its tag_id and region. Full details about the tag, such as name, image_id, status, and digest are returned in the response.


scw registry tag get <tag-id ...> [arg=value ...]


Name Description
tag-id Required UUID of the tag
region Default: fr-par
One of: fr-par, nl-ams, pl-waw
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config

List tags

List all tags for a given image, specified by region. By default, the tags listed are ordered by creation date in ascending order. This can be modified via the order_by field. You can also define additional parameters for your query, such as the name.


scw registry tag list [arg=value ...]


Name Description
order-by One of: created_at_asc, created_at_desc, name_asc, name_desc Criteria to use when ordering tag listings. Possible values are created_at_asc, created_at_desc, name_asc, name_desc, region, status_asc and status_desc. The default value is created_at_asc.
image-id Required UUID of the image
name Filter by the tag name (exact match)
region Default: fr-par
One of: fr-par, nl-ams, pl-waw, all
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config