Documentation for scw function
Function as a Service API.
- Cron management commands
- Create a new cron
- Delete an existing cron
- Get a cron
- List all crons
- Update an existing cron
- Deploy a function
- Domain management commands
- Create a domain name binding
- Delete a domain name binding
- Get a domain name binding
- List all domain name bindings
- Function management commands
- Create a new function
- Delete a function
- Deploy a function
- Get a function
- Get a download URL of a function
- Get an upload URL of a function
- List all your functions
- Update an existing function
- Function namespace management commands
- Create a new namespace
- Delete an existing namespace
- Get a namespace
- List all your namespaces
- Update an existing namespace
- Runtime management commands
- List function runtimes
- Token management commands
- Create a new revocable token
- Delete a token
- Get a token
- List all tokens
- Trigger management commands
- Create a trigger
- Delete a trigger
- Get a trigger
- List all triggers
- Update a trigger
Cron management commands
Cron management commands.
Create a new cron
Create a new cronjob for a function with the specified ID.
scw function cron create [arg=value ...]
Name | Description | |
function-id | UUID of the function to use the cron with | |
schedule | Schedule of the cron in UNIX cron format | |
args | Arguments to use with the cron | |
name | Name of the cron | |
region | Default: fr-par One of: fr-par , nl-ams , pl-waw |
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config |
Delete an existing cron
Delete the cron associated with the specified ID.
scw function cron delete <cron-id ...> [arg=value ...]
Name | Description | |
cron-id | Required | UUID of the cron to delete |
region | Default: fr-par One of: fr-par , nl-ams , pl-waw |
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config |
Get a cron
Get the cron associated with the specified ID.
scw function cron get <cron-id ...> [arg=value ...]
Name | Description | |
cron-id | Required | UUID of the cron to get |
region | Default: fr-par One of: fr-par , nl-ams , pl-waw |
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config |
List all crons
List all the cronjobs in a specified region.
scw function cron list [arg=value ...]
Name | Description | |
order-by | One of: created_at_asc , created_at_desc |
Order of the crons |
function-id | UUID of the function | |
region | Default: fr-par One of: fr-par , nl-ams , pl-waw , all |
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config |
Update an existing cron
Update the cron associated with the specified ID.
scw function cron update <cron-id ...> [arg=value ...]
Name | Description | |
cron-id | Required | UUID of the cron to update |
function-id | UUID of the function to use the cron with | |
schedule | Schedule of the cron in UNIX cron format | |
args | Arguments to use with the cron | |
name | Name of the cron | |
region | Default: fr-par One of: fr-par , nl-ams , pl-waw |
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config |
Deploy a function
Create or fetch, upload and deploy your function
Create or fetch, upload and deploy your function
scw function deploy [arg=value ...]
Name | Description | |
namespace-id | Function Namespace ID to deploy to | |
name | Required | Name of the function to deploy, will be used in namespace's name if no ID is provided |
runtime | Required One of: unknown_runtime , golang , python , python3 , node8 , node10 , node14 , node16 , node17 , python37 , python38 , python39 , python310 , go113 , go117 , go118 , node18 , rust165 , go119 , python311 , php82 , node19 , go120 , node20 , go121 , node22 , python312 , php83 , go122 , rust179 |
zip-file | Required | Path of the zip file that contains your code |
region | Default: fr-par One of: fr-par , nl-ams , pl-waw |
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config |
Domain management commands
Domain management commands.
Create a domain name binding
Create a domain name binding for the function with the specified ID.
scw function domain create [arg=value ...]
Name | Description | |
hostname | Hostame to create | |
function-id | UUID of the function to associate the domain with | |
region | Default: fr-par One of: fr-par , nl-ams , pl-waw |
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config |
Delete a domain name binding
Delete a domain name binding for the function with the specified ID.
scw function domain delete <domain-id ...> [arg=value ...]
Name | Description | |
domain-id | Required | UUID of the domain to delete |
region | Default: fr-par One of: fr-par , nl-ams , pl-waw |
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config |
Get a domain name binding
Get a domain name binding for the function with the specified ID.
scw function domain get <domain-id ...> [arg=value ...]
Name | Description | |
domain-id | Required | UUID of the domain to get |
region | Default: fr-par One of: fr-par , nl-ams , pl-waw |
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config |
List all domain name bindings
List all domain name bindings in a specified region.
scw function domain list [arg=value ...]
Name | Description | |
order-by | One of: created_at_asc , created_at_desc , hostname_asc , hostname_desc |
Order of the domains |
function-id | UUID of the function the domain is assoicated with | |
region | Default: fr-par One of: fr-par , nl-ams , pl-waw , all |
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config |
Function management commands
Function management commands.
Create a new function
Create a new function in the specified region for a specified Organization or Project.
scw function function create [arg=value ...]
Name | Description | |
name | Default: <generated> |
Name of the function to create |
namespace-id | UUID of the namespace the function will be created in | |
environment-variables.{key} | Environment variables of the function | |
min-scale | Minumum number of instances to scale the function to | |
max-scale | Maximum number of instances to scale the function to | |
runtime | One of: unknown_runtime , golang , python , python3 , node8 , node10 , node14 , node16 , node17 , python37 , python38 , python39 , python310 , go113 , go117 , go118 , node18 , rust165 , go119 , python311 , php82 , node19 , go120 , node20 , go121 , node22 , python312 , php83 , go122 , rust179 |
Runtime to use with the function |
memory-limit | Memory limit of the function in MB | |
timeout | Request processing time limit for the function | |
handler | Handler to use with the function | |
privacy | One of: unknown_privacy , public , private |
Privacy setting of the function |
description | Description of the function | |
secret-environment-variables.{index}.key | ||
secret-environment-variables.{index}.value | ||
http-option | Default: enabled One of: unknown_http_option , enabled , redirected |
Configure how HTTP and HTTPS requests are handled |
sandbox | One of: unknown_sandbox , v1 , v2 |
Execution environment of the function |
region | Default: fr-par One of: fr-par , nl-ams , pl-waw |
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config |
Delete a function
Delete the function associated with the specified ID.
scw function function delete <function-id ...> [arg=value ...]
Name | Description | |
function-id | Required | UUID of the function to delete |
region | Default: fr-par One of: fr-par , nl-ams , pl-waw |
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config |
Deploy a function
Deploy a function associated with the specified ID.
scw function function deploy <function-id ...> [arg=value ...]
Name | Description | |
function-id | Required | UUID of the function to deploy |
region | Default: fr-par One of: fr-par , nl-ams , pl-waw |
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config |
Get a function
Get the function associated with the specified ID.
scw function function get <function-id ...> [arg=value ...]
Name | Description | |
function-id | Required | UUID of the function |
region | Default: fr-par One of: fr-par , nl-ams , pl-waw |
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config |
Get a download URL of a function
Get a download URL for a function associated with the specified ID.
scw function function get-download-url <function-id ...> [arg=value ...]
Name | Description | |
function-id | Required | UUID of the function to get the the download URL for |
region | Default: fr-par One of: fr-par , nl-ams , pl-waw |
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config |
Get an upload URL of a function
Get an upload URL of a function associated with the specified ID.
scw function function get-upload-url <function-id ...> [arg=value ...]
Name | Description | |
function-id | Required | UUID of the function to get the upload URL for |
content-length | Required | Size of the archive to upload in bytes |
region | Default: fr-par One of: fr-par , nl-ams , pl-waw |
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config |
List all your functions
List all your functions.
scw function function list [arg=value ...]
Name | Description | |
order-by | One of: created_at_asc , created_at_desc , name_asc , name_desc |
Order of the functions |
namespace-id | UUID of the namespace the function belongs to | |
name | Name of the function | |
project-id | UUID of the Project the function belongs to | |
organization-id | UUID of the Organziation the function belongs to | |
region | Default: fr-par One of: fr-par , nl-ams , pl-waw , all |
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config |
Update an existing function
Update the function associated with the specified ID.
scw function function update <function-id ...> [arg=value ...]
Name | Description | |
function-id | Required | UUID of the function to update |
environment-variables.{key} | Environment variables of the function to update | |
min-scale | Minumum number of instances to scale the function to | |
max-scale | Maximum number of instances to scale the function to | |
runtime | One of: unknown_runtime , golang , python , python3 , node8 , node10 , node14 , node16 , node17 , python37 , python38 , python39 , python310 , go113 , go117 , go118 , node18 , rust165 , go119 , python311 , php82 , node19 , go120 , node20 , go121 , node22 , python312 , php83 , go122 , rust179 |
Runtime to use with the function |
memory-limit | Memory limit of the function in MB | |
timeout | Processing time limit for the function | |
redeploy | Redeploy failed function | |
handler | Handler to use with the function | |
privacy | One of: unknown_privacy , public , private |
Privacy setting of the function |
description | Description of the function | |
secret-environment-variables.{index}.key | ||
secret-environment-variables.{index}.value | ||
http-option | One of: unknown_http_option , enabled , redirected |
Configure how HTTP and HTTPS requests are handled |
sandbox | One of: unknown_sandbox , v1 , v2 |
Execution environment of the function |
region | Default: fr-par One of: fr-par , nl-ams , pl-waw |
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config |
Function namespace management commands
Function namespace management commands.
Create a new namespace
Create a new namespace in a specified Organization or Project.
scw function namespace create [arg=value ...]
Name | Description | |
name | Default: <generated> |
environment-variables.{key} | Environment variables of the namespace | |
project-id | Project ID to use. If none is passed the default project ID will be used | |
description | Description of the namespace | |
secret-environment-variables.{index}.key | ||
secret-environment-variables.{index}.value | ||
tags.{index} | [ALPHA] Tags of the Serverless Function Namespace | |
region | Default: fr-par One of: fr-par , nl-ams , pl-waw |
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config |
Delete an existing namespace
Delete the namespace associated with the specified ID.
scw function namespace delete <namespace-id ...> [arg=value ...]
Name | Description | |
namespace-id | Required | UUID of the namespace |
region | Default: fr-par One of: fr-par , nl-ams , pl-waw |
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config |
Get a namespace
Get the namespace associated with the specified ID.
scw function namespace get <namespace-id ...> [arg=value ...]
Name | Description | |
namespace-id | Required | UUID of the namespace |
region | Default: fr-par One of: fr-par , nl-ams , pl-waw |
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config |
List all your namespaces
List all existing namespaces in the specified region.
scw function namespace list [arg=value ...]
Name | Description | |
order-by | One of: created_at_asc , created_at_desc , name_asc , name_desc |
Order of the namespaces |
name | Name of the namespace | |
project-id | UUID of the Project the namespace belongs to | |
organization-id | UUID of the Organization the namespace belongs to | |
region | Default: fr-par One of: fr-par , nl-ams , pl-waw , all |
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config |
Update an existing namespace
Update the namespace associated with the specified ID.
scw function namespace update <namespace-id ...> [arg=value ...]
Name | Description | |
namespace-id | Required | UUID of the namespapce |
environment-variables.{key} | Environment variables of the namespace | |
description | Description of the namespace | |
secret-environment-variables.{index}.key | ||
secret-environment-variables.{index}.value | ||
tags.{index} | [ALPHA] Tags of the Serverless Function Namespace | |
region | Default: fr-par One of: fr-par , nl-ams , pl-waw |
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config |
Runtime management commands
Runtime management commands.
List function runtimes
List available function runtimes.
scw function runtime list [arg=value ...]
Name | Description | |
region | Default: fr-par One of: fr-par , nl-ams , pl-waw |
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config |
Token management commands
Token management commands.
Create a new revocable token
Create a new revocable token.
scw function token create [arg=value ...]
Name | Description | |
function-id | UUID of the function to associate the token with | |
namespace-id | UUID of the namespace to associate the token with | |
description | Description of the token | |
expires-at | Date on which the token expires | |
region | Default: fr-par One of: fr-par , nl-ams , pl-waw |
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config |
Delete a token
Delete a token.
scw function token delete <token-id ...> [arg=value ...]
Name | Description | |
token-id | Required | UUID of the token to delete |
region | Default: fr-par One of: fr-par , nl-ams , pl-waw |
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config |
Get a token
Get a token.
scw function token get <token-id ...> [arg=value ...]
Name | Description | |
token-id | Required | UUID of the token to get |
region | Default: fr-par One of: fr-par , nl-ams , pl-waw |
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config |
List all tokens
List all tokens.
scw function token list [arg=value ...]
Name | Description | |
order-by | One of: created_at_asc , created_at_desc |
Sort order for the tokens |
function-id | UUID of the function the token is assoicated with | |
namespace-id | UUID of the namespace the token is associated with | |
region | Default: fr-par One of: fr-par , nl-ams , pl-waw , all |
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config |
Trigger management commands
Trigger management commands.
Create a trigger
Create a new trigger for a specified function.
scw function trigger create [arg=value ...]
Name | Description | |
name | Required | Name of the trigger |
function-id | Required | ID of the function to trigger |
description | Description of the trigger | |
scw-sqs-config.queue | Name of the SQS queue the trigger should listen to | |
scw-sqs-config.mnq-project-id | ID of the Messaging and Queuing project | |
scw-sqs-config.mnq-region | Region in which the Messaging and Queuing project is activated. | |
scw-nats-config.subject | Name of the NATS subject the trigger should listen to | |
scw-nats-config.mnq-nats-account-id | ID of the Messaging and Queuing NATS account | |
scw-nats-config.mnq-project-id | ID of the Messaging and Queuing project | |
scw-nats-config.mnq-region | Region in which the Messaging and Queuing project is activated. | |
region | Default: fr-par One of: fr-par , nl-ams , pl-waw |
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config |
Delete a trigger
Delete a trigger with a specified ID.
scw function trigger delete <trigger-id ...> [arg=value ...]
Name | Description | |
trigger-id | Required | ID of the trigger to delete |
region | Default: fr-par One of: fr-par , nl-ams , pl-waw |
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config |
Get a trigger
Get a trigger with a specified ID.
scw function trigger get <trigger-id ...> [arg=value ...]
Name | Description | |
trigger-id | Required | ID of the trigger to get |
region | Default: fr-par One of: fr-par , nl-ams , pl-waw |
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config |
List all triggers
List all triggers belonging to a specified Organization or Project.
scw function trigger list [arg=value ...]
Name | Description | |
order-by | One of: created_at_asc , created_at_desc |
Order in which to return results |
function-id | ID of the function the triggers belongs to | |
namespace-id | ID of the namespace the triggers belongs to | |
project-id | Project ID to use. If none is passed the default project ID will be used | |
region | Default: fr-par One of: fr-par , nl-ams , pl-waw , all |
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config |
Update a trigger
Update a trigger with a specified ID.
scw function trigger update <trigger-id ...> [arg=value ...]
Name | Description | |
trigger-id | Required | ID of the trigger to update |
name | Name of the trigger | |
description | Description of the trigger | |
region | Default: fr-par One of: fr-par , nl-ams , pl-waw |
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config |